Institute for the Critical Study of Zionist publishes toolkit on opposing IHRA definition

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12 September 2024

Students, faculty and others will find the Institute’s Toolkit very useful in their efforts to halt the adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism which in its improperly modified form serves as a weapon to suppress criticism of Israel and support for Palestine.

Toolkit: Demand “NO IHRA”

This toolkit is for students, faculty, and staff who are working to stop right wing attacks on universities, knowledge, and communities, which use anti-Palestinian racism as their starting point.

The “IHRA definition of antisemitism” refers to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. The IHRA definition is used to assert that criticism of Israel and Zionism is antisemitic, “anti-Jewish,” and discriminatory. In Congress, proposed bills would make the IHRA definition into law, and connect its charges of “antisemitism” to “supporting terror.” They threaten to criminalize protest, defund schools, ban teaching about racism, target BIPOC & Jewish organizations, fire supportive professors, evict students, deport immigrants, undo DEI policies, and excuse genocide. Wherever it is already policy, the IHRA definition is used to smear, defund, and and in some cases criminalize those who oppose racism, colonialism, and genocide, and those who speak up for Palestinian voices and rights.

Legislators and institutions are under immense pressure from Zionist/right-wing organizations to adopt IHRA. This resource page supports efforts to formalize opposition to IHRA wherever possible.

Download & print: Trifold brochure with “No IHRA” demand language and basic background.

On this page:

  1. Model language
  2. Quick background/explainer
  3. From successful ‘No IHRA’ resolutions: key language & approaches to making the case
  4. Repressive impacts of IHRA policies
  5. Legal analysis
  6. Lists of successful No IHRA resolutions

Further resources: For more on IHRA from the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism, including podcasts, video, and research from ICSZ’s 2023 conference “Battling the IHRA Definition: Theory & Activism”, click here.

1. Model language

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2. Quick background/explainer

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3. From successful No IHRA resolutions: Key language & approaches to making the case

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4. Repressive impacts of IHRA policies

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6. Lists of successful No IHRA resolutions

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